Testify in support of SB2122
SB 2122, which updates and extends the state’s energy efficiency portfolio standards to 2045, has a hearing on Tuesday, January 30th, at 1:30pm in the Committee on Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism. Please submit testimony by Monday, January 29th in support of this important bill!
What does this bill do? In 2009, Hawai‘i established a long-term goal known as the “Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards” (or EEPS) to reduce statewide electricity use by 2030. Since then, Hawai‘i has set new goals to achieve 100% clean energy and net-zero emissions by 2045, but the EEPS goal has not been updated. SB 2122 would expand the energy efficiency portfolio standards from a goal of 4,300 gigawatt-hours of electricity savings by 2030 to 6,000 gigawatt-hours of savings by 2045– an important step to align state planning across the energy sector. reduce carbon emissions, and cut Hawai‘i’s high electric bills.
Why does this bill matter? Hawai‘i residents pay the highest electric bills in the nation. Energy efficiency is an accessible, affordable, and equitable way to lower electricity bills for local families, and reduce carbon emissions that are fueling the climate crisis.
Ideas for Personalized Testimony on SB2122
The strongest testimony is personalized, describing the reasons why you support bold action on climate. Feel free to use one of the following prompts to get you started on telling your story about why you support this bill:
- Embracing energy efficiency is a critical part of addressing climate change and reducing carbon emissions
- Because Hawai‘i residents and businesses pay the highest electricity rates in the nation, it’s important that we extend our energy efficiency goals to help further reduce electricity use and save millions on customer utility bills
- As electric utilities, Hawai‘i Energy, and other stakeholders plan for a 100% renewable future by 2045, it is similarly necessary to extend the EEPS goal beyond 2030 to align planning across the state
- Encouraging equitable, affordable access to electricity is at the heart of this measure, which is very important for Hawai‘i families and businesses, now more than ever
Sample Testimony
Aloha Chair DeCoite, Vice Chair Wakai, and members of the Committees,
I am testifying in support of SB2122, which extends the state’s energy efficiency portfolio standards beyond 2030 to 2045.
[INSERT PERSONAL STATEMENT HERE] ________________________________
As Hawai‘i progresses toward achieving its 100% renewable energy and decarbonization goals, energy efficiency remains the quickest, cheapest, and cleanest way to reduce emissions from the electricity sector, while also providing financial benefits to Hawai‘i residents and businesses.
In 2009, Hawai‘i established a long-term goal known as the “Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards” (or EEPS) to reduce statewide electricity use by 4,300 gigawatt-hours by 2030. Since then, Hawai‘i has made impressive progress towards clean energy and established a new mandate to achieve 100% “Renewable Portfolio Standards” by 2045, but we have yet to extend the EEPS goal beyond 2030.
I strongly support SB2122 to expand the energy efficiency portfolio standards from a goal of 4,300 gigawatt-hours of electricity savings by 2030 to 6,000 gigawatt-hours of electricity savings by 2045. This is an important step to align state planning across the energy sector and ensure energy efficiency is factored into Hawai‘i’s clean energy future.
Thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony in support.
[Sign your full name, and list your city, state, and zip code]