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Solutions for Solar: Introducing Hawai‘i’s First PV Recycling Program

Posted on July 19, 2024 .

As Hawai‘i continues to lead the charge in renewable energy adoption, we face a mounting challenge: what happens to solar panels once they reach the end of their lifespan? This issue is not unique to Hawai‘i, but is particularly pronounced in our islands due to our geographic isolation, limited landfill capacity, and a lack of cost-effective recycling solutions.

Fortunately, a recently launched program from Inter-Island Solar Supply, a company started in Hawai‘i in 1975, is helping us become more sustainable as we transition away from fossil fuel-powered electricity. In August 2023, Inter-Island Solar Supply launched Hawai‘i’s inaugural PV Recycling Program, becoming the state’s first EPA-recognized handler and transporter of solar panels as universal waste. This initiative marks a significant step forward in the journey towards a 100% clean energy future.

The Need for a Sustainable Solution

Because of our early adoption of solar energy, Hawai‘i has one of the oldest solar markets in the United States. The industry estimates that by 2032, over 100,000 systems in Hawai‘i will be over 10 years old. Despite solar panels having an average life span of 25 years, the safe processing and disposal of used solar panels is a warranted concern. Inter-Island Solar Supply is seeking to address this issue by offering a proactive and clean end-of-life solution for aging or decommissioned solar modules for Hawai‘i.

How Does the Program Work?

Under this initiative, Inter-Island Solar Supply partners with FabTech Solar Solutions, a mainland-based PV recycling company, to facilitate the collection, sorting, and recycling or refurbishment of solar modules. Interested participants can bring any PV module 200W and above to their O‘ahu warehouse, paying a flat fee of $47 per solar panel to process and ship PV modules for recycling or reuse. This collaboration ensures that solar modules are handled responsibly, either refurbished for reuse or broken down into recyclable materials such as glass and aluminum.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Solar energy provided about 19% of Hawai‘i’s total electricity in 2023, a percentage that will only continue to grow as we advance towards our goals for 100% clean energy and decarbonization by 2045. By providing a structured pathway for recycling solar modules, the clean energy sector can reduce its carbon footprint and minimize waste sent to landfills.  The program not only supports the local economy by supporting green jobs, but also contributes to the circular economy by reintroducing valuable materials back into production cycles.

Local solar installers can also participate in the program as Certified PV Recycling Partners, streamlining the process of recycling or repurposing solar modules. This partnership not only ensures compliance with environmental regulations, but further demonstrates the commitment of environmental responsibility within Hawai‘i’s solar industry.

Looking Towards the Future

Since being launched in August 2023, the PV Recycling Program has successfully processed several thousand modules, and is on track to at least double its volume in 2024. In addition, the recycling and reuse of solar panels is just the beginning. Inter-Island Solar Supply is exploring other avenues for recycling renewable energy waste, including inverters, wires, and energy storage products like lithium-ion batteries. By expanding its capabilities, Inter-Island Solar Supply aims to provide comprehensive solutions for our islands’ evolving renewable energy landscape.

Joining Forces for a Sustainable Tomorrow

The PV Recycling Program is not just an exciting milestone; it’s a testament to Hawai‘i’s commitment to renewable energy leadership. As we move forward, let’s embrace these initiatives to innovate the industry, support local business, and build a brighter, clean energy future!

For more information on how you can get involved or to learn more about the program, visit